double gullies where real old
toungue-in-groove wall timbers meet
you'd look ahead down it and remark on
its classicism its capacity to silently
weather very slow must be something
built by some great civilisation they
come here well before your mob eh
nah mate they came they're going
when I saw they made their air of blocks
drystone style – no mortar
I got trouble with the tiny gaps
chamfered the corners something about
a fit ant would follow your twitch down that gulch
raybanned bi-vid fixed upon your beautiful
abdarsomen across them polished mandibles
but we always get shit like this bastard
just straight basalt blocks cut so square
you’d think the cracks were drawn on
no escape from my whipping licker
for a time I had trouble a virus something
bacterial fourteen outa the venturi each side
inch long in the old money up my
nose pretty on the end poison
darts from jungle blowpipes
I couldn't breathe you
it was easy but bled once I picked
this nose these nostrils these purpose-built
claws ripped so fuckin dumb shrinkwrap
soft strapped tight outa the choked
shit it felt good
but how did that evolve from lizard scales
them pinfeathers up my hooter?
don't worry I'm on bigger game now
climbed from blank bank walls to
church reptile sniff twitch fresh empty
great warriors rip each other to bits
they put their best clothes on
rush like you ants shove prickle
each other wrap valiant wadding
listen for sirens and wait for platelets
they do not know anybody
I lick their tiny window
philip white
Tailem Bend ... photo Philip White ... goanna advice came outa the spare parts bin ... you may have seen some of it before on on here somewhere
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